Do What You Want

Do what you want – until someone tells you that you can’t.

Life can be imposing, daunting. We feel as though we should do this, everyone would expect us to do that. We get steered – or steer ourselves – in the wrong direction, deflected from our intentions. We lose sight of what we really wanted to do.

The greatest danger lies not in running afoul of external expectations. There are plenty of people and rules to tell you when to stop. Much harder is knowing your own, internal limits. There is no one to tell you where these boundaries are – no one but yourself. Don’t sell yourself short – short of your goals, of your dreams.

Don’t pull up short on the little things either, for these build your character and self-knowledge. Can you make the next mile on the trail? Can you pass that test? Can you come up with a better solution? Will you raise your hand to question the norm – even when no one else dares?

We all presume there is a social guide hovering over us, ready to scold. Many times, perhaps most, this is merely a presumption. We are holding ourselves back with constraining thoughts. Toss them aside. If we do transgress those norms, someone will quickly inform us. Let the criticism pass; adjust course slightly. We’re fine. If we aren’t transgressing, then why hold back?

Do what you want, until someone tells you you can’t.

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