Untraceable Worries

Some worries are explainable: not enough money; a crummy boss; a broken car.

Others are just not clear. Not understood. Still, they are. Worries that have no apparent source, and therefore no clear approach to resolve them.

Sometimes they’re not even very apparent to ourselves. We notice them by other factors. Just as you notice wind at a distance by the blurring of the air, of your vision of things afar. Wind, though not heard or felt, must be slightly obscuring the things you see.

So too can worries be detected, by the lack of smiles, by an extended tiredness. Ask yourself: when did you last smile? If it’s hard to remember, you are immersed in something — some worry that clouds your day.

That’s just the time you gotta have faith, that there is a sun, that clouds will part, that in time all will become clear.

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