Category: Life Navigation

Pushing the Boundary Line

To find our limits, we have to feel them, touch them, push against them. Once found, limits can be depressing. After all, they are constraints!

Living Along the Edges

Momentum pushes water in waves down the middle of a river, carrying the flow and volume as it rushes to the sea in springtime, slowing


With our daydreams racing at Indy 500 speeds, we imagine ourselves in any number of scenarios, of occurrences, of lives. At one moment, we are

One Thousand Things

There are a thousand things we could do: shop, explore, run, read, sleep, travel, repair, invent, call, play, work … the list goes on. At


Life is lived by the things one can reach. One’s life is defined by the things one can reach. If one’s gaze reaches the stars,


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Enjoying People

People. I enjoy people. That’s why the idea of sequestering myself in the wilderness, although appealing in a natural sense, falls short of my reality.


Don’t react. Respond. Take in the essence, the details and the meaning.  Assess, evaluate, and then respond. That’s the only way you have control over a

Live Desperately

You feel tired, or lazy, like another hour in bed would be nice, like getting in gear would be more effort than would be comfortable

Fantasy & Reality

The fantasy is like Snow White: Purity meets the Prince. The reality is she isn’t even divorced yet! We’d like to believe otherwise, but reality