Living Along the Edges

Momentum pushes water in waves down the middle of a river, carrying the flow and volume as it rushes to the sea in springtime, slowing to a lollygagging pace by autumn.

Yet much is happening along its banks. Sticks that couldn’t be seen in the whoosh of the current eddy themselves to the shore. Banks, yielding to the swirl, display their eroded depths like the geology of a thousand years. Debris waving in the breeze on branches tell a forgotten story of floodwater that reached impossibly high. Small footprints in the mud are calling cards from creatures that came to drink.

Poking along the edges of life reveals more than can be seen from the mainstream. Stories, characters, puzzles and wonders abound there. The banks of a river, the shore of a lake, the coasts of a continent have a faster tempo if not sheer speed, a diversity left by so many passersby. An inspection is well rewarded.

Life along the edge — it’s a good place to be: exploring.

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