
We like to think everyone will get along. History proves this impossible, at least in the wider view.  Some people are unreasonable, unsympathetic, selfish, downright irascible.

Gotta deal with them. Avoid when possible; confront carefully when not. Throw a wrench in the gears of their plans.  But you’re never going to stop them all.

Remember all the other good people out there: the ones waiting their places in line, patiently or otherwise.  The ones who stop to help.  The ones who give without an agenda.  There are lots of them.

For every jerk who’s trying to butt in the exit lane at the very end of the merge zone, there are twenty cars lined up, behaving in a fair and generally accepted manner.  For every pickpocket, several people return the money or cellphones found on the street.  For every financial con artist, there are many people sending contributions to charities.

They argue; they cheat; they deceive.  They’re not going away.  But neither are the rest of us.  And we are far greater in number. Enjoy being part of the better crowd.

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