Fantasy Distinction

In relationships, it’s important to distinguish between Fantasy and Reality. Many opportunities of that allure are simply out of reach, never to leave the state of daydream. A few may evolve from that dazed cocoon to become something worthwhile, surprising you beyond all preconception.Others lie within your reach, but yield much less – perhaps endangering something better, a reality in hand. Two in the bush beckon but may lead to none.

It’s good to know what you have, what’s real, based in months or years of testing and tempering that create an enduring relationship. Would you give up the dependable, spooning comfort of one you have for the temporary heat of another?

A relationship should not confine, but rather support. Appreciate it; take care of it. For it is a paradox: strong, yet delicate.

Lastly, a relationship is not something made and done; it must continually be renewed, improved, refreshed. Then it becomes a dynamic union, helping each person grow.

In small ways and large, the reality of a good relationship can lead to some fantastic moments.

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