Sharing Life, Sharing Love

Last night was full. Ideas shared with my wife. Love shared too.

One night earlier I listened to her sorrows, of life, of our relationship.

I listened, but in the end told her I couldn’t believe what she said. I couldn’t believe we were going down the tubes. Indeed, the only really hard time for me were these, when she expressed her doomsayer sorrow. The other times — stress with kids, lack of communication — were things to bear, to improve upon.

When she says all is lost, I can’t believe her. Because it isn’t. In that assessment, she is in error.

She is glad to hear this, even if I am not validating her expression. She is once again encouraged. At least for awhile.

Still, we need to continue looking for ways to keep in touch throughout the day; to feel together in what we do. A phone call from the office, stopping mid-stream in a hectic Saturday to tell one another of a funny vignette, a Chelsea story or an Ashley phrase.

To share life is to share love.

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