Traffic Over-stressing

There comes a time to get out of the fast lane. Too much rushing around takes its toll. Especially when other factors have got you down. The fast lane in a weak cycle can finish you off.

Some people sell the house and move to the country, away from the hustle. More power to them! I’m not ready for that. But yes to slowing down a little, to take a breath, to take one’s foot off the accelerator — sometime prior to slamming into a wall.

Sixty-five is okay. Seventy-plus is not really necessary. We’re not going to get all the things done we’re rushing to do. Some we will do well, even on time. Others we are just not going to finish this time around. Pull back; bring that raging momentum to right-hand traffic lane. Take the pressure off your tail, off yourself. It’s good survival technique.

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